Food Waste Reduction

IWRC goes on the road as fall conference season gets underway
Autumn in Iowa brings a welcoming crispness to the air and an abundance of color and stunning views. It makes it really hard to stay in the office. So, why fight it! The IWRC hits the road to a variety of conferences across Iowa. See where we will be and stop by to say hi!

Getting the Dirt on Composting and Energy
The beautiful mid March weather has us in the mood to open our windows, break out the planters, and begin stirring the dirt in gardens. Read on the hear how IWRC Environmental Specialist Jason Clay introduced composting and energy conservation to Dayton, IA residents.

Conference Season is in Full Swing for the IWRC
The first quarter of 2024 is a busy time for IWRC staff with conferences and professional development opportunities. Learn where you can find IWRC staff this 2024 Spring conference season.

PRESS RELEASE: IWRC’s Jennifer Trent to serve as the President of the US Composting Council
The USCC is a robust, action-packed, forward-thinking organization that advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling to benefit its members, society and the environment and it has just named Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s Jennifer Trent as its new Board of Directors President.

Unwrapping EPA’s New Wasted Food Scale
For decades, EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy has served as the primary tool to help decision makers (i.e., state and local governments) understand and determine the best options for managing food waste (Environmental Protection Agency, 2023). The hierarchy was established in 1990, so needless to say, an updated version has been eagerly anticipated.

Cultivating Change: Community Gardens and Farmers Market Donation Project Wrap Up
The summer is always a busy time for the Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s (IWRC) Food, Beverage & Organics program. This summer was no different. July and August in Iowa marks the height of the farmers market and community garden season so Program Manager, Jennifer Trent, and Environmental Specialist, Jason Clay loaded the car and set forth to visit three Iowa communities, Manchester, Iowa Falls, and Shenandoah to assist them with implementing both food donation and composting strategies as part of the USDA funded Community Gardens and Farmers Market Compost and Donation project.

Mapping of Rural Iowa Food Deserts
IWRC Environmental Intern, Jordan Burrows, mapped rural Iowa food deserts with the goal of sharing findings with stakeholders who can assist food desert communities.

PRESS RELEASE: Iowa Composting Council Seeks Board Nominations
Nominations are currently being accepted for a seat on the Board of Directors for the Iowa Composting Council (IACC), a state chapter of the US Composting Council. Our membership focuses on public, commercial, and agricultural sectors of the industry.

PRESS RELEASE: Iowa Waste Reduction Center Contributes to Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill Report
CEDAR FALLS, Iowa – Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) staff, Joe Bolick, Director, Jennifer Trent, Program Manager, and University of Northern Iowa’s (UNI) Andrew Morse, Chief of Staff, are acknowledged for the input and feedback they contributed to the, “Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill” report released by Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) in collaboration with ReFED, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and World Wildlife Fund.