PRESS RELEASE: Iowa Composting Council Seeks Board Nominations
PRESS RELEASE: Iowa Composting Council Seeks Board Nominations

Nominations are currently being accepted for a seat on the Board of Directors for the Iowa Composting Council (IACC), a state chapter of the US Composting Council. Our membership focuses on public, commercial, and agricultural sectors of the industry.
IACC mission: To promote the composting industry and the reduction, reuse, and recycling of the organic component of Iowa's waste stream through support of infrastructure development, quality control and ethical operations, operator training, legislative and regulatory advocacy, and general public education.
The Board of Directors are responsible for the operations, training, marketing and outreach for the organization with no paid staff. This is a volunteer board and volunteers are the ones which further its mission. The IACC meets the second Thursday of every month at 1:00 for an hour and all board members are expected to attend. Working on at least one of various IACC Committees is also expected as a board member.
As this is the first year as an organization with by-laws, the initial terms are 1, 2 or 3 years. Subsequent terms will be three years for no more than two consecutive terms.
To be considered, one must be a member of either the Iowa Recycling Association, US Composting Council or Iowa Composting Council. After July 1, the Director must be a member of the Iowa Composting Council.
Nominations are due at NOON on June 7th, 2022. Elections will open June 9th and will run through noon on June 27th with the newly elected board members starting their terms on July 1, 2022. If interested in nominating yourself or someone else, please fill out this form.