Vendor Lists

In an effort to help in your reduction and diversion efforts we have compiled a list of categorized vendors. Please note though that these lists are not comprehensive, or an endorsement or warranty from the Iowa Waste Reduction Center. Businesses should determine that any company or product they use complies with all applicable environmental laws. If you are a vendor and would like to be included or have information updated, please contact us.


Ag-Based Lubricants

Air Stack Testing Companies

To ensure stacks do not exceed appropriate air emissions limits, some construction permits will require stack testing. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has compiled a list of consultants that provide this service. To find a consultant, visit the Iowa DNR Stack Testing webpage and click on List of Stack Test Consultants.

Analytical Laboratories


Appliance Demanufacturing

In Iowa, it is required that discarded appliances are demanufactured by a permitted appliance demanufacturer prior to disposal. This is to ensure hazardous components are removed and disposed of properly.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources maintains a list of permitted demanufacturers and collection sites throughout the state. Visit the Iowa DNR’s Appliance Recycling webpage to find a site near you.

Aqueous Parts Cleaning:

Asbestos Removal

Any business or individual compensated to remove asbestos containing materials is required to obtain a certified asbestos contractor permit from the Iowa Division of Labor Services. The IDLS maintains a database of the current registered licensees and permittees. To find a service near you, visit the IDLS Asbestos Abatement webpage.


Deconstruction Contractors



Emergency Response Contractors

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) establishes the requirements for emergency planning and community right-to-know reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals. If you’re in need of a hazardous material cleanup contractor, the Iowa DNR maintains a list of contacts.

Visit the Iowa DNR Emergency Release Notification webpage and click on Hazmat Cleanup Contractors to download the most recent file.

Food Waste:

Hazardous Waste:

Infectious Waste

Low Mercury Lamp Manufacturers


Miscellaneous Recycling Services:


Painting and Powder Coating Materials and Equipment:

Pharmaceutical Drug Reverse Distributors



Solvent Parts Cleaning Alternatives:


Universal Waste:

Waste Containers, Labels and Spill Equipment

Waste Tire Haulers

To ensure the proper disposal, storage and processing of waste tires, haulers must be registered in Iowa.

To find a registered waste tire hauler, visit the Iowa DNR Waste Tire Hauler webpage and click List of Registered Waste Tire Haulers in Iowa.

