Compliance Assistance

Free environmental consultations so Iowa small businesses can focus on their operations, not regulations.

Having an expert environmental specialist review your business operations on-site can be invaluable to a small business. It can also be expensive, so the IWRC was established by the Groundwater Protection Act in 1987 specifically to provide advice and consultation to Iowa small businesses. The IWRC has been providing free and confidential environmental consultations to Iowa small businesses (less than 200 employees) for over 28 years. Yes, free. There is no charge to our clients for this service.

During a review, an IWRC specialist tours your facility to learn about operations and current waste management practices. That specialist then prepares a report highlighting applicable regulations and their requirements that need to be met. This report is confidential and provided only to the business.

Comprehensive Results

Through an OSR (on-site review), you can expect a comprehensive review of all applicable environmental regulations and concerns.

  • Air emissions
  • Clean Air Act
  • Clean Water Act
  • Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
  • Hazardous waste
  • Recordkeeping
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  • Solid waste
  • Special Waste Authorizations
  • Storage tanks
  • Storm water
  • Wastewater