Iowa Green Brewery Certification


To get your brewery certified contact

Joe Bolick

Joe Bolick



Certification Documentation

Certification Checklist

This document will be used the IWRC specialist in to score environmental requirements, environmental management, energy efficiency, water quality/conservation and resources/solid waste management.


Environmental Plan

A large portion of the Environmental Management portion of this certification is having an environmental plan in place. To help, the IWRC has created a template for you to use that includes processes, frequency inspections are needed and forms.



Regulatory Files

No Exposure Form

To qualify for a no-exposure exemption from obtaining a Storm Water Discharge Permit, breweries may complete and submit this form


SUE Template

Air pollutant-emitting sources (i.e., grain milling) may use the SUE instead of obtaining an Air Quality Construction Permit



Iowa Brewers Guild Allied MemberThe Iowa Green Brewery Certification was developed by the Iowa Waste Reduction Center at the University of Northern Iowa with the help of the Iowa Brewers Guild and a few breweries across Iowa. We appreciate the cooperation and help of J. Wilson from the Iowa Brewers Guild and the breweries for their insight and assistance to ensure this certification is beneficial for all breweries throughout the state.