Metal Fabrication and Finishing

The following information applies to facilities affected by the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories NESHAP (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart XXXXXX) referred to here as "6X." The 6X NESHAP applies to facilities that are area sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) where the primary activity is one of nine metal fabrication and finishing source categories.

Applicability and Basic Requirements for Compliance

In conjunction with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the IWRC completed online presentations to assist facilities in determining if they will be regulated by this rule. The presentations provide the needed information for a facility to determine if they will have to comply with the 6X regulation.


Determine if your facility is affected by this regulation   
PDF presentation


Learn what needs to be done to comply with this regulation   
PDF presentation

Requirements - Tier 2 and Tier 3

PDF presentation


Iowa DNR Initial Notification Form   PDF / DOC

Iowa DNR Notification of Compliance Form   PDF / DOC

DUE ANNUALLY ON JANUARY 31 - Annual Certification and Compliance Form

Additional Information

6X Fact Sheet

EPA Q & A (June 2020)

EPA 6X Area Source Rule Requirement Flowcharts

Method 22 Visible Emissions Monitoring Instruction

SIC/NAICS codes applicable to 6X rule

These resources and information have been developed by the Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program, a program focused on training and educating Iowa small businesses with less than 100 employees. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program is funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This information is intended solely as guidance, cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.