Environmental Assistance Home


As a small business owner, you are likely wearing many hats and juggling many responsibilities each day. Keeping track of environmental requirements, regulations, technology and so on, is an essential part of your operations yet it somehow keeps getting bumped down the priority list. Whatever the reason (i.e., lack of knowledge, staff, finances, etc.) the IWRC can help you alleviate these responsibilities.

Our environmental assistance service is the bread and butter of our service menu and has been shaped to meet the needs of Iowa small businesses. This service includes:

  • Knowledge of current environmental requirements
  • Monitoring of environmental regulations
  • Environmental compliance tracking resources and assistance
  • On-site audits for environmental compliance and solutions
  • Compressed Air Audits
  • Providing permit assistance
  • Deploying new environmental technologies and techniques

Our primary goal is always to help small businesses reduce and reuse waste while meeting complex environmental regulations.

Let us help your small business with your environmental needs and continue to pave the way for a cleaner, greener future. 

Save Time & Money

Increase Efficiency

Increase Knowledge

Understand Compliance

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While the Iowa Waste Reduction Center offers guidance and support, they are not a regulatory enforcement body.

Assistance & Resources

Environmental Assistance Latest Posts

black and white city scape with a red alarm bell

New Scam Targeting Businesses

The Environmental Protection Agency Office of Inspector General has issued a fraud alert regarding a new and…
Business air vents outside ventilation stacks

PRESS RELEASE: IWRC offers free training for minor source emissions inventory

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa - All portable plants as well as businesses classified by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR)…
Staff member Jennifer Wittenburg assists a client with air permits applications and emissions reporting.

Your Guide to Small Business Assistance: Air Permit Applications & Emissions Reporting

While you have had the ability to submit electronically for a while now, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will soon…

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