Waste Tires
IAC 567-117 | Last Updated April 2024
The Waste Tire Management regulation apply to your facility if you store more than 500 waste tires on your property at any time, or if you process waste tires into tire-derived fuel (TDF) or other products for reuse.
Processing - producing or manufacturing usable materials from waste tires.
Processing Site - a site that is used for the processing of waste tires and is owned or operated by a tire processor who has a permit for the site.
Tire Collector - a person who owns or operates a site used for the storage, collection or deposit of more than 500 waste tires.
Waste Tire - a tire that is no longer suitable for its originally intended purpose due to wear, damage or defect.
Waste Tire Collection Site - a site used for the storage, collection, or deposit of waste tires.
Waste Tire Hauler- an individual or business providing hauling and disposal services.
General Requirements
- Disposal of waste tires into Iowa Sanitary Landfills is prohibited.
- Open burning of waste tires is prohibited.
- Facilities processing waste tires or storing more than 500 waste tires are required to obtain a Waste Tire Stockpile Permit from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and remit an annual fee of $850.00. Failure to remit the annual payment will result in termination of the permit.
- There is an exception for authorized automobile recyclers; they may store up to 3,500 tires without obtaining a permit.
What are the benefits of properly storing and recycling waste tires?
The rubber used to make tires is a valuable source of fuel (tire-derived fuel for power plants) or reusable rubber for additional products such as material for filtration systems, construction fill, playground and trail surfacing, as well as molded rubber products such as belts, mats and tile. Waste tire storage site requirements ensure the safety of workers and surrounding businesses and residents through reducing the risk of fire and vector (rodent and mosquito) proliferation.
Generator Requirements
Businesses that generate waste tires are required to properly dispose of them through a permitted waste tire hauler or processor. Waste tires are banned from disposal in Iowa sanitary landfills. Additional outlets that may accept waste tires for a fee include recycling centers and sanitary landfills (for recycling). Generators may transport their own tires for disposal, in any quantity, or hire a registered waste tire hauler. Anyone (other than a generator or commercial entity) transporting over 40 waste tires in a single load must be a registered waste tire hauler.
Generators should ensure that waste tires are stored in a manner that prevents infestations of mosquitoes and rodents. This involves storing tires in such a way that water, dirt, or debris does not accumulate within them. Utilizing indoor storage or covering storage piles with tarps is recommended to deter vector infestations. Additionally, generators should aim to transport tires or arrange for tire pickup on a regular basis to mitigate these potential risks.
Waste Tire Collection Site Requirements
If you accumulate over 500 waste tires on your property or across multiple properties owned by your business, you are required to apply for a Waste Tire Stockpile Permit from the Iowa DNR. For details concerning the proper storage, permit, site and financial assurance and reporting requirements, see the Iowa Administration Code section 567-117.
An authorized vehicle recycler, as licensed by the Iowa Department of Transportation, may store up to 3,500 tires without a Waste Tire Stockpile Permit. Any storage beyond this amount shall require full compliance with the Waste Tire Stockpile Permit. This sub-rule is applicable to the indoor, outdoor, and underground storage of waste tires. If the site cannot meet the conditions to obtain a Waste Tire Stockpile Permit, the waste tires must be removed from the site and properly disposed of within 30 days.
Waste Tire Processing Site Requirements
Facilities that are processing waste tires on site, must also apply for a Waste Tire Processing Permit from the Iowa DNR. For details concerning the proper storage, permit, site and financial assurance and reporting requirements, see the Iowa Administration Code section 567-117.
On-site storage of processed tire products must not exceed the processing capacity for six months, unless otherwise specified in the permit. Tire processing permits are issued for five years and the holder of the permit must reapply 90 days prior to the expiration date.
A list of registered waste tire processors can be found here.
Waste Tire Hauler Requirements
Waste tire haulers (not generators) are companies who haul more than 40 waste tires per load. Tire haulers can only dispose of the waste tires at permitted waste tire processing facilities. Equipment used to haul waste tires must have the following marked on both sides of the vehicle in type that is easily readable from a distance:
- The name of the registered waste tire hauler under whose authority the equipment is being operated;
- The address of the registered waste tire hauler; and
- The registration number of the waste tire hauler.
Registration for waste tire haulers is handled through the Iowa Secretary of State's office. Application for registration requires a $150,000 surety bond and $50 fee. Registration renewal and fee submittal must occur annually, although the surety bond only needs to be submitted the first year.