Iowa Waste Reduction Center Receives $175,159 P2 Grant to Enhance Brewery Pollution Prevention Programs
Iowa Waste Reduction Center Receives $175,159 P2 Grant to Enhance Brewery Pollution Prevention Programs

November 25, 2024
Iowa Waste Reduction Center Receives $175,159 P2 Grant to Enhance Brewery Pollution Prevention Programs
CEDAR FALLS, IA – The Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) at the University of Northern Iowa is excited to announce the receipt of a $175,159 Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Pollution Prevention Grant Program. This grant will support the implementation of the P2 in Breweries for TAPs (Technical Assistance Providers) Project, aimed at enhancing pollution prevention practices in breweries nationwide.
The IWRC, known for its award-winning Iowa Green Brewery Certification Program, will use the grant to provide technical assistance and training to P2 TAPs across the country, beginning in EPA Region 7 which includes Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. Since its inception in 2016, the Iowa Green Brewery Certification Program has certified over 30 breweries for their pollution prevention achievements. The new P2 in Breweries for TAPs Project will build on this success by offering webinars, videos, and case studies along with other resources to help technical assistance providers develop their own P2 brewery programming.
“The Iowa Waste Reduction Center at The University of Northern Iowa has worked successfully with craft breweries in Iowa for nearly a decade,” said Program Manager Jennifer Trent of the Food Beverage and Organics Program. “With this EPA P2 grant, we’re going to be able to take what we’ve learned and apply it across state boundaries by working with our P2 partners in Region 7 and nationally to help craft breweries reduce their environmental impacts.”
The project will include four training webinars covering topics such as developing brewery programs, conducting P2 audits, data collection and analysis, and incentivizing brewery participation. Additionally, six short videos will be produced to showcase innovative P2 strategies and technologies implemented by breweries.
Contact Molly Wells, Communications & Public Relations Manager at the University of Northern Iowa Iowa Waste Reduction Center, for more information at 319-273-4307 or
Transcript can be found in the video description.
About Iowa Waste Reduction Center. The IWRC has been providing environmental services, including technical assistance and industry training, as well as research and development, for over 30 years. The IWRC is a part of the University of Northern Iowa's Business and Community Services which builds a better Iowa through hands‐on technical assistance for economic and business development, entrepreneurship, environmental improvement and enhanced sustainability. For more information, visit