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About MSEI

This website was developed to assist Iowa small businesses in completing the Iowa Department of Natural Resources' MSEI. This website provides assistance tools and resources for businesses to use as they complete their MSEI.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resouces (DNR) requires all facilities not subject to the Title V Operating Permit Program to submit a Minor Source Emissions Inventory every three years. DNR has split Iowa into thirds to stagger the number of inventories received annually.

To assist businesses with the inventory, the IWRC's Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program provides training, and has developed resources, tools and calculators to use as you complete the reports.

Note: Your MSEI is due to the Iowa DNR by May 15 of your applicable year.
See schedule below.

Minor Source Emissions Inventory Submission Schedule

The submission schedule is determined by Iowa DNR field office locations.
Determine which field office your business is located here.

Emission inventory region deadline map

These resources and information have been developed by the Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program, a program focused on training and educating Iowa small businesses with less than 100 employees. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program is funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This information is intended solely as guidance, cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.