Prepared Feeds Manufacturing
Air Quality Permit Requirements
Owners and operators of air pollution sources, including prepared feeds manufacturers, are required to obtain air quality permits or utilize applicable exemptions to meet applicable air pollution standards.

Feed Mill FAQ Feed Mill Air Quality Inspection Guidance Permit Guidance for Facilities not subject to the 7D NESHAP Permit Guidance for Facilities using the Small Unit Exemption (SUE) Permit Guidance for Facilities NOT using the Small Unit Exemption (SUE) Emissions Calculator for Prepared Feeds Facilities7D NESHAP
In September 2014, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) adopted the federal standard for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Prepared Feeds Manufacturing at Area Sources 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDDDDD, otherwise known as the 7D NESHAP. This regulation applies to facilities that manufacture prepared animal feed or additives for animal feed (sometimes known as a “feed mill”) and use materials (such as additives or pre-mixes) containing chromium or manganese.
Additional Resources
7D NESHAP Initial Notification / Notification of Compliance Status Form
These resources and information have been developed by the Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program, a program focused on training and educating Iowa small businesses with less than 100 employees. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program is funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This information is intended solely as guidance, cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.