Bulk Gasoline Plants
Air Quality Permit Requirements
Owners and operators of air pollution sources, including bulk gasoline plants, are required to obtain permits and meet applicable air pollution standards. The Iowa DNR has developed has develop permit templates for bulk gasoline plants to assist in the permitting process. Permit template applications must be submitted electronically in Iowa EASY Air.
Sample Permits
The following information applies to facilities affected by the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Source Categories: Gasoline Distribution Facilities (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart BBBBBB) referred to here as "6B." The rule applies to existing and new gasoline distribution facilities that are area sources.

Overview of the 6B Rule and Permit Template Instructions Iowa DNR 6B NESHAP FAQ’s 2024-25 Compliance Calendar/Logbook for Small Bulk Gasoline Plants 2024-25 Compliance Calendar/Logbook for Large Bulk Gasoline Plants 6B Initial Notification Form Facilities in Iowa that submitted the Initial NotificationThese resources and information have been developed by the Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program, a program focused on training and educating Iowa small businesses with less than 100 employees. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program is funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This information is intended solely as guidance, cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.