The New Fashion Police: Conversations continued...
The New Fashion Police: Conversations continued...

This video is the third blog installment of The New Fashion Police blog series. Catch up on part 1, The New Fashion Police: Fashion as waste, and part 2, The New Fashion Police: Fashion as a point of conversation.
Read full transcript:
Kendall: Hi my name is Kendall Lienemann and I'm an environmental intern at the Iowa Waste Reduction Center and today we are on campus asking people about clothing waste. The fashion industry actually gears all of its advertising to 18 to 24 yearolds. So, who better to ask than some college students?
Kendall: Can I get your name, major, and what year are you?
Student 1: Yeah, of course. My name is A.J. Bleskacek - tough to pronounce. I am a communication theater teaching major. This is my 4th year here.
Kendall: Do you know anything about clothing waste?
Student 1: I do not.
Kendall: Can I get your name, major, and what year are you?
Student 2: My name is Avaya Burnside and I'm an early childhood Ed. major and I'm a freshman.
Kendall: Do you know anything about clothing waste?
Student 2: No.
Kendall: Do you know anything about clothing waste?
Student 3: No.
Student 4: Not at all.
Student 5: I do not.
Student 6: No.
Student 7: No, I've never heard of it.
Student 8: I do not
Student 9: I do not.
Student 10: Not at all.

Student 11: No.
Kendall: Can I get your name, major, and what year are you?
Student 12: My name is Sadie Blomberg. I'm a ecology, evolution, and organismal biology major and I'm a 2nd year.
Kendall: Do you know anything about clothing waste?
Student 12: I know that it's a big problem and that its a big problem in the sense of trash and that it's not helpful to our environment.
Kendall: Perfect! What is one thing you do to reduce your clothing waste?
Student 12: I love thrifting not only for to help clothing waste but also to save my money.
Kendall: What is one thing you do to reduce your clothing waste?
Student 13: I'll give hand me downs to my little brother some times
Student 14: I donate my clothes to thrift stores and hand them down to my family.
Student 15: I like to thrift and reuse stuff. Like I'm not just going to get rid of something just because it's not in fashion. If it's a practical item I'm going to keep using it cause why waste it if it works?
Student 16: I give my clothes to my mom so she can quilt some uh blankets
Kendall: That's a good one!
Student 17: I buy clothes at the thrift store and I donate my clothes so that people can rebuy them
Kendall: So as you can see, a lot of people don't even know about clothing waste, but I hope you guys gained some tips on how to reduce your clothing waste at home.