Starting your compost pile was easy, but now you have a few questions. Perhaps one major question...can this be composted? We all know veggie scraps and dry leaves can be added to your compost pile, but what about dryer lint? Don’t worry, the IWRC has you covered!

We compiled a list of common household greens (nitrogens) and browns (carbons) that are safe to add to your growing compost. Just a friendly reminder, your compost pile should be one part green and three parts brown. Keep adding to that compost!

Green (Nitrogen)

  1. Veggie and Fruit Scraps
  2. Coffee grounds
  3. Tea bags/loose leaf tea
  4. Grass clippings
  5. Dead plants
  6. Fresh leaves
  7. Stale bread
  8. Egg Shells
  9. Corn Cobs
  10. Cooked plain pasta and rice
  11. Seaweed and kelp
  12. Shrub or hedge clippings
  13. Lawn and garden weeds
  14. Stale bread or tortillas
  15. Algae
  16. Alfalfa
  17. Clover
  18. Used hops
  19. Weeds not gone to seed

Brown (Carbon)

  1. Shredded paper, including non-glossy junk mail
  2. Bedding from small animals
  3. Dried leaves
  4. Peanut shells
  5. Paper napkins
  6. Shrubs, branches and twigs
  7. Paper coffee filters
  8. Wood chips
  9. Shredded brown paper bags
  10. Hay
  11. pinecones
  12. Dryer Lint
  13. Newspaper and Tissue paper
  14. Shredded paper cups, plates
  15. Pine needles
  16. Wood ash
  17. Crumbs from sweeping
  18. Shredded paper towel rolls
  19. Stale crackers
  20. Old herbs and spices
  21. Oatmeal
  22. Stale seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)
  23. Bamboo skewers
  24. Paper muffins cups/tins
  25. Tissues
  26. 100% cotton balls
  27. Shredded fabric
  28. Old rope or twine
  29. Fur from house pets

Congratulations on taking a big initiative to reduce your environmental footprint. Composting is one of the ultimate forms of recycling! For more information and best practices, download our complete composting toolkit.



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